Dr Terry Simpson: Does Weight Loss Resolve Diabetes?

Weight loss surgery has been shown again and again to be an effective way to improve or even resolve type 2 diabetes. Although bariatric procedures were initially created with the goal of weight loss, surgeons were happy to find these surgeries were also having positive metabolic results in patients.

One previously unanswered question has been whether there is a particular surgery that is superior in terms of improving glucose control. Now, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has provided new information; it has shown it is the weight loss that comes from bariatric surgery that is responsible for improving metabolic responses in obese, insulin resistant, nondiabetic patients.

The study compared the metabolic effects of 20 percent weight loss induced by either the Lap-Band procedure (gastric banding) or gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery. The two procedures work in different ways to help people lose weight.

Gastric bypass is much more invasive than the Lap Band, as it involves cutting and stapling of both the stomach and bowels. The Lap-Band, on the other hand, does not bypass any internal organs and the procedure is both adjustable and reversible.

The study found that both procedures equally improved two important metabolic responses– “insulin sensitivity” and “beta-cell function”. The findings demonstrated that although altering the upper gastrointestinal tract in a gastric bypass caused major changes in certain aspects of the metabolic response to a meal, the weight loss itself was primarily responsible for the long-term therapeutic effects of both the bypass and gastric banding on cell function, insulin sensitivity, and oral glucose tolerance in the study group.

In our practice, we specialize in gastric band surgery. Our practice is a LAP-BAND TOTAL CARE certified practice, meaning that we provide “extra” services and support that make the difference including: dietitians, nurse practitioners, surgical nurses, mental health professionals, and physical therapists. Dr. Terry Simpson is not only the most experienced Lap-Band surgeon in Arizona, he has years of experience training new Lap-Band surgeons, teaching them how to implement aftercare and support systems in accordance to the strictest standards.

About Dr. Terry Simpson

Dr. Terry Simpson resides in Ventura, CA and is a skilled weight weight loss surgeon. He received his bachelors, masters, and medical degree from The University of Chicago . He has authored a number of scientific papers, as well as books, and maintains several blogs.
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