Dr Terry Simpson: Does Weight Loss Resolve Diabetes?

Weight loss surgery has been shown again and again to be an effective way to improve or even resolve type 2 diabetes. Although bariatric procedures were initially created with the goal of weight loss, surgeons were happy to find these surgeries were also having positive metabolic results in patients.

One previously unanswered question has been whether there is a particular surgery that is superior in terms of improving glucose control. Now, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has provided new information; it has shown it is the weight loss that comes from bariatric surgery that is responsible for improving metabolic responses in obese, insulin resistant, nondiabetic patients. Continue reading

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Sous Vide Cooking: Cooking for the Lap-Band

We recommend that all Lap-Band patients get a Sous Vide machine, and learn to cook with them. This allows you to have moist meat, and not over-cook any food. We have a number of recipes on TerrySimpson.com. After years of working with lap band patients, we know that the band patients who cook will lose weight and keep it off. Patients who make excuses that they cannot eat some proteins, and refuse to learn to change their ways- well, that is just an excuse not to lose weight.

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